Green refrigerant compatible B: Contribution to decarbonization of customers' products Power relays
(Conforms to IEC/EN 60079-1,60079-15)G5NB, G2RL, G5Q, G5PZ

DMS contributes to ensuring the safety of
air-conditioning equipment that uses
"green refrigerants", which are
expected to become more

widespread in
the future.


*3 Gas protection group definition
– Group IIA: (55 ± 0,5) % hydrogen/air at atmospheric pressure;
– Group IIB: (37 ± 0,5) % hydrogen/air at atmospheric pressure;
– Group IIC: (40 ± 1) % hydrogen, (20 ± 1) % oxygen and the remainder nitrogen at atmospheric pressure or alternatively (27,5 ± 1,5) %
hydrogen/air at an overpressure at a pressure equal to 1,5 times atmospheric pressure.