MOS FET Relays in SOP 6-pin packages that achieve the low ON resistance and high switching capacitance of a mechanical relay

MOS FET Relays in SOP 6-pin packages that achieve the low ON resistance and high switching capacitance of a mechanical relay

MOS FET Relays in SOP 6-pin packages that achieve the low ON resistance and high switching capacitance of a mechanical relay

MOS FET Relays in DIP 4-pin packages that achieve the low ON resistance and high switching capacity of a mechanical relay

MOS FET Relays in DIP 6-pin packages that achieve the low ON resistance and high switching capacity of a mechanical relay

MOS FET Relays in DIP 6-pin Packages with SPST-NC Contacts That Achieve Low ON-Resistance and High Switching Capacity of a Mechanical Relay

The highest class load current of MOS FET Relays realized with DIP8 package

MOS FET Relays in SOP4-pin that featuring the low ON resistance and high switching capacity as a mechanical relay.

World's smallest * class New S-VSON Package
* As of March 2018 Survey by OMRON.