What is the basic switch failure rate?
ID: FAQE20016E
The failure rate of the basic switch is the contact reliability test data under a microload. For our basic switches, the N level is used as a reference value.
For high-capacity loads, the number of electrical switching is guaranteed.
Calculated based on reliability engineering, the failure rate is the number of failures in relation to the total number of operations.
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Product category | Switches Basic Switches |
Classification | Selection, Characteristics |
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Which basic switches are suitable for microload?
- A
Our basic switches with rated current of 0.1 A support microload.
What kind of problems may occur if the set current is below the “minimum applicable load” for a basic switch?
- A
Below the minimum applicable load for a basic switch, the contact surface is more susceptible to the chemical coating formed due to the influence of the surrounding environment, leading to potential contact failure.
What may have caused a basic switch failure?
- A
Failures of a basic switch may be caused by the following two reasons:
1. Failures related to electrical characteristics: contact failure, malfunction, contact welding, insulation degradation
2. Failures related to mechanical characteristics: operating failure, external damage