vol.279 April 2024

Utilized in various situations by combining human recognition function and equipment
Sensing and processing can be completed simply by incorporating a human vision component consisting of a camera and an independent processing board. Various applications can be developed without spending a lot of man-hours, and the load on the CPU can be reduced.

Gathering marketing information from vending machines

Real-time data for purchases on what, when, and by people demographic can be obtained and used to understand consumer purchasing behavior.

Storage locker user management and authentication

Only pre-registered persons can open the box door through facial recognition, and the auto-lock becomes activated when the door is closed, thus guaranteeing secure delivery.
Note: Please contact us when considering security applications.

Prevention of accidents by detecting area entry at the factory

Detecting entry into non-accessible areas during remote operation and stopping the remote operation, prevents collisions between machines and people.
Note: Please use the human vision component as an auxiliary function in conjunction with other safety devices.
10 types of human recognition functions can be incorporated into equipment

*1 "OKAO Vision" is a registered trademark of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other countries.
* Contents as of March 2024.
In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice