Company President, Device & Module Solutions Company
Masahiko Ezaki
With Our “Connecting” and “Switching” Technologies, Resolve Social Issues with Customers
The Device & Module Solutions Business will realize three transformations under SF2030*1.
Firstly, we will pursue business transformation. As one of OMRON’s core businesses, the Device & Module Solutions Business aims to address social issues, namely, “achievement of carbon neutrality” and “realization of a digital society.” With this intention, the name of the business company was changed from Electronic and Mechanical Components Company to Device & Module Solutions Company on April 1, 2022, 12 years since the business company’s establishment. By combining our core technologies and diverse functions, we will enhance the value of our products and provide customers with device- and module-based solutions that give them the functions they need while addressing societal challenges. Ever since our foundation, we have been a source of sophisticated, high-quality devices and modules, including relays, switches, connectors, and sensors. And our core “connecting” and “switching” technologies are indispensable for turning equipment on and off the flow of electricity in addition to our sensing technology. Leveraging our expertise, we will create new social value that contributes to the “spread of new energy*2 and high-speed communication.”
Secondly, we are resetting our focus domains. We will focus on four business fields where the strengths of the Device & Module Solutions Business centering on its core technologies can be brought into full play and where further growth opportunities are expected. Focus domains are DC(direct current) drive equipment, DC infrastructure equipment, high-frequency devices, and remote/VR devices. Regarding DC drive equipment and DC infrastructure equipment, the shift to DC and higher-capacity power supply and the electrification of infrastructure will progress as measures to minimize the environmental burden. In promoting widespread use of these products, the need for safety measures will increase to ensure electric shocks and combustion are prevented. Regarding high-frequency devices and remote/VR devices, the rapid digital shift requires technologies and devices that enable high-speed communication and large data capacity. With our “connecting” and “switching” technologies, we will deliver solutions for these issues.
Thirdly, we will evolve our value proposition model. In addition to the existing value, we will offer new value corresponding to “green, digital, and speed.” We will accelerate value proposition through the creation of devices that contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society, provision of digital value, and concurrent activities in which sales, development, and production work together to respond to changes in society in a flexible and timely manner.
In fiscal 2021, in addition to enhancement of added value through modularization and completion of structural reform, we established a system to respond to demand in a timely manner even when parts and materials are in short supply and logistics are disrupted. In the first medium-term management plan positioned as the phase for transformation, we will complete three transformations in order to offer added value in the form of solutions that go beyond the provision of devices and modules. In fiscal 2022, driven by social issues, we will create key devices necessary for society together with our customers through concurrent activities in which sales, production, and development work together, thereby achieving further growth.
*1 SF2030: It is long-term vision.
*2 New energy: It refers to renewable energy and innovative energy sources such as hydrogen and fuel cells.